We've collected fun, exploratory resources from PBS LearningMedia related to arts, crafts and other creative projects that will help make summer memorable!
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Whether you're working as a camp counselor, teaching a summer school program, or just looking to keep your own children learning throughout the summer, we salute our many teachers who are working with kids this summer!
Summer Camp Collection | Grades K-12
This collection of resources is ideally suited for camp counselors and other summer staff looking for fun, educational activities to include in their daily schedule, as well as resources to help seed ideas for introducing topics to campers. Categories include Nature Education, Arts & Crafts, Sports, Summer Science, Robotics, and Stargazing.
Art School Collection | KQED | Grades 6-9
Learn how to break dance, draw comic strips, and create animations! Art School provides resources that will empower students of all ages to engage with contemporary art and learn new ideas.
MAKERS Collection | Grades 7-12
This MAKER Party collection is designed to encourage hands-on engagement in the arts by providing a one-stop shop of digital making resources that focus on the problem, technology, or process behind object creation.
The Art Assignment Collection | PBS Digital Studios | Grades 7-12
What does it take to think 'outside the box'? Join curator Sarah Green as she interviews some of today's most inspiring artists and explores the historical context behind their methods and techniques.
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