Hi Friends!
Thank you for joining us to learn about health and well-being with KLRN’s The Healthy Kids Project! Thank you to The San Antonio Medical Foundation for their foundational support ofThe Healthy Kids Project, and thank you to Health Confianza&Wellness Culturafor their additional support.
Making healthy choices about food is fun! There are so many options for including nutritious foods, especially fruits and vegetables, into our daily diets. One way is to create a healthy, delicious, energy-packed snack like Pumpkin Bites. Here is a video with our friend Ethel, who walks us through the recipe: https://youtu.be/uHKdhwP0B2s.
Here is a printable copy of the recipe as well: https://pbs.klrn.org/bento/downloads/healthy-kids/recipes/Pumpkin_Bites.pdf?_gl=1*1u8m77n*_ga*NDE4NTY2NzYxLjE1NzU1Nzk3MjM.*_ga_MVLS2ZX0C5*MTY5NzcyNjE5MC4yOTQuMS4xNjk3NzI2MjE1LjAuMC4w
As we focus on healthy eating, let’s look first to the “Foods that Grow”, or, fruits and vegetables. Here is a fun video from The Healthy Kids Project that shows us some of the many “Foods that Grow”: https://youtu.be/WOR5cra0b3s .
Check out these interesting points to ponder about healthy foods from The Healthy Kids Project:
- What is the most popular vegetable in the world? Potatoes.
- Peas are good for your bones!
- Broccoli is actually a man-made vegetable. People have been growing broccoli for over two thousand years.
- More vitamin C is in fresh tomatoes than in cooked or canned tomatoes.
- Cooked spinach contains more calcium than an equal weight of milk. 100 gm (0.55cup) cooked spinach has 136 mg of calcium, whereas 100 gm (0.4 cup) milk only has 122 mg.
- When we have a meal, half of our plate should be fruits and vegetables and a fourth of our plate should be grains, for a total of ¾ plate of plant-based foods.
- Eating fruits and vegetables instead of high calorie, high sugar foods can help you grow and stay healthy.
- Eating fruits and vegetables helps build stronger bones and teeth.
- Fruits and vegetables give you vitamins, minerals, and fiber you need to fight diseases.
- Your taste buds change over time. If you don’t like a new food, it’s important to keep trying it many times. You can also try it prepared in different ways. You may be surprised when you discover that you like or love a food that you didn’t like before.
For more videos, activities, recipes, and more, please visit us at https://www.klrn.org/healthy-kids/
Everyone deserves to be as healthy as possible. Visit Wellness Cultura for health information and local resources to support you on your journey. Let’s get started together!
Stay Healthy!