April's Chat & Learn featured resources from PBS LearningMedia spotlighting fun and creative ways to share Earth Day with your students.
Chat & Learn is held on the OVEE (Online Video Engagement Experience) platform. OVEE is a free, online screening platform where you can chat live in a “virtual theater” with other teachers. All Chat & Learn sessions are free! Spend an hour with us and register for our next Chat & Learn today!
EARTH A New Wild Collection
Explore the wonders of the natural world through EARTH A New Wild, the thrilling PBS series exploring the crossroads between nature, conservation, and society.
Through EARTH, discover how human beings shape the world around us and how nature and wildlife adapt to live by our side. Dive into the Ecosystem Explorer game to experience three amazing animals and the foodwebs they inhabit, and together with five videos exclusive to PBS LearningMedia, bring this thrilling new look at biology and wildlife into the classroom like never before. This Collection includes video clips, interactives, lesson plans, and even a Virtual Field Trip to Africa!
Songs for Unusual Creatures Collection
This Collection of short videos from Songs for Unusual Creatures features some of Earth's strangest animals -- including Giant Anteaters, Sea Pigs, Glass Frogs, Jesus Christ Lizards, Elephant Shrews, Magnapinna Squids and more. Michael Hearst creates music inspired by these animals. And for this collection, he's brought along some of his favorite musicians, along with some of their unusual instruments to help him.
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
Rachel Carson was driven to write Silent Spring, a book that questioned the safety of pesticide use in the United States. The most famous pesticide at the time was DDT, a chemical that had saved millions of lives in World War II from insect-borne disease and was thought to be safe. But Carson found evidence that DDT was poisoning birds and represented a real threat to humans as well. The video states that Carson was not against the use of chemicals altogether; rather, she thought the chemical industry was pushing their overuse for its economic gain, at the expense of health and the environment.
Plum Landing
Teach STEM concepts and practices in the great outdoors with PLUM LANDING! This environmental education project from WGBH invites elementary students to virtually visit ecosystems around the world and then to head outdoors to explore their own ecosystems. The resources—aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards—immerse students in content topics and science process skills.
Ecology - Rules for Living on Earth | Crash Course Biology #40
Hank introduces us to ecology -- the study of the rules of engagement for all of us earthlings – which seeks to explain why the world looks and acts the way it does. The world is crammed with things, both animate and not, that have been interacting with each other all the time, every day, since life on this planet began, and these interactions depend mostly on just two things. Learn what they are as Crash Course Biology takes its final voyage outside the body and into the world. Find more videos from Crash Course on its Collection page.
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