Thanksgiving is a special time for many families. Family gatherings, meals and loved ones are staples of the holiday. Children love the food, festivities, and time at home with loved ones. Many families also have traditions of volunteering and giving back to the community. Below are some activities that focus on gratitude.
Raising Grateful Kids: Why Giving Thanks Is Good for the Soul
Article for parents and caregivers: Gratitude is good for you — and for your kids. Here are helpful tips for raising grateful kids.
This Thanksgiving, take some time to reflect on what you and your child are thankful for. Gather around to open your jar and read all of the reasons you have to be thankful!
This Thanksgiving, try these personal thankful notes as a way to teach your child about being truly thankful.
Make it then shake it! Create two to make a musical duo and have twice the fun.
Try this Cheesy Broc N Mac Recipe
Try this “healthier” version of a traditional mac n cheese at your Thanksgiving table this year.
Recipe card can be found here in English and Spanish.
Watch on KLRN
Special Arthur Thanksgiving airs on KLRN on Tuesday 11/26 at 12 PM and Wednesday 11/27 at 9:30 AM.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Thank You Day airs on Wednesday, 11/27 at 8 AM and Margaret’s First Thank You Day airs Thursday, 11/28 at 8 AM.
Wild Kratts Happy Turkey Day airs on Thursday, 11/28 at 6:30 AM
From our Family to yours Happy Thanksgiving!