Policies and program proposals
Closed captions
If you have questions or problems with closed captioning on KLRN programs, please contact us using guidelines listed on our closed captioning page.
Program proposals
KLRN considers program ideas from a variety of sources and welcomes program proposals at any stage of development. The proposal process is a mechanism to develop projects for consideration by KLRN management.
A committee, which includes staff from programming, production, development, marketing and operations, evaluates the viability and appropriateness of proposals, and considers alternate and supplementary means of implementing such proposals. The ultimate decisions rest with the Programming Department. For more information, please review the guidelines for our proposal process.
Online policy
Nothing is more important to us than protecting the private information of our visitors and making our website a safe haven. To learn more, see our policy on cookies and personal information.
PSA policy
KLRN is the public television station for South Central Texas, providing educational and informative programming to viewers in 30 counties. Because of the tremendous coverage area and limited airtime between programs, we are unable to promote all of the quality local events on our air. Therefore, we do not accept public service announcements (PSAs).
Additionally, the breaks between programs are KLRN's opportunity to promote the station's programming, community outreach efforts and special events.
KLRN is PBS. No one else does what we do.
We get kids ready to learn and we give you opportunities to explore the world around you. We are America’s largest classroom, we turn your living room into the nation’s largest stage for the arts, and we provide a trusted window to the world—and have for over 50 years. Spend some time with us.
Memorials & Tributes
Your contribution to the KLRN Endowment Fund, Inc., either in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special friend or occasion, is a perpetual gift that will help provide for the future of KLRN public television for generations to come. The principle remains untouched, and only a small percentage of earnings on the principle is distributed to the station.
To make a gift, contact Lauren Esquivel at lesquivel@klrn.org or call her at (210) 208-8446. You may also call the station at (210) 270-9000 and ask for Lauren.