The KLRN Virtual Classroom is putting a spin on #ThinkWednesdays, and embracing the arts. Our #ThinkARTSWednesdays KLRN Virtual Classroom offering will be one classroom TWICE a day to reach those DURING and AFTER school.
This is a great series for homeschoolers during the day whose schedule might be more flexible and for after-school programs in the afternoon so students can engage in FUN learning.
For this series we will watch arts and culture-themed episodes of PBS programming. Also, we’ll share lots of resources from PBS LearningMedia that you can use in your classroom. We'll focus on film/video making, art, music and theater. We will be joined by local organizations such as The Playhouse and Youth Orchestras of San Antonio, and many more.
Join us and share this link with a school, a co-op, or any educational program that you know about who might want to CHAT & LEARN with us.
- The KLRN Virtual Classroom Team
Register for a class:
Film/Video making
February 17 - 11 am | 3:30 pm
February 24 - 11 am | 3:30 pm
March 2 - 11 am | 3:30 pm