The final report on long-terms plans to provide water to San Antonio has been released and some proposals are rated "high risk," including the controversial Vista Ridge pipeline project.
The San Antonio Express-News reports experts at Texas A&M drafted the report at the urging of San Antonio Councilman Ron Nirenberg.
City staff and San Antonio Water System officials rejected an earlier draft, saying it had errors, including its negative review of Vista Ridge.
The final report is similar to the draft.
In addition to Vista Ridge, the report focuses attention on 12 water supply projects for San Antonio.
Meanwhile, a group of landowners and concerned citizens from Burleson County, where the Vista Ridge pipeline begins, will be in San Antonio on Tuesday to protest the project.
Organizers say the protest will be joined by San Antonio residents who also oppose a SAWS rate-hike request.
The rate hike goes to City Council on Nov. 19.